Sentiment analysis plugin installation instructions

This tutorial shows how to use the sentiment analysis plugin with the Pickmybrain search engine. If you want to use the plugin as a separate library, check out the FAQ.

Got questions?

If you have got any questions regarding the sentiment analysis plugin or you feel something is out of place, do not hesitate to contact me.



Just extract the plugin folder and place it in the pickmybrain folder. Pickmybrain will detect the plugin automatically.

If you are adding an additional language to an existing sentiment analysis plugin, do the following:

  • 1. Unzip the new plugin installation package.
  • 2. Open the "sentiment" folder and copy the folder with the name of the purchased additional language (e.g. english or finnish )
  • 3. Locate Pickmybrain's installation folder and open the existing "sentiment" folder inside it.
  • 4. Paste the folder you copied before here.


After installing the plugin, please configure your indexes to use the sentiment analysis feature. Do not forget to re-index after this!

At the web control panel:

Configuring via command-line:


When you want to sort documents by sentiment scores, do not forget to set the proper sort mode:

->SetSortMode(PMB_SORTBY_POSITIVITY); # positive matches first
$pickmybrain->SetSortMode(PMB_SORTBY_NEGATIVITY); # negative matches first